Mise-En Scene

Image result for still image from james bond

The actors costume shows his authority and importance in the movie. His smart attire suggests he is either a business man or someone of high significance. His broad shoulders show confidence. He appears to be well groomed and dressed showing he takes pride in his appearance.
The lighting is overall quite dark. This increases tension and and creates an uneasy atmosphere. The dark corners surrounding the frame look as though something is beginning to close in and pinpoint him. The characters positioning is quite central. This shows he is the most important character at this moment in the film. The characters facial expressions shows concern yet confidence. He appears to be slightly nervous as we can see the light reflecting of the sweat on his forehead. The actors in the background look as if they belong in the military. They are all standing in form  as if they are awaiting orders from someone higher than them. The setting looks like it is an underground bunker. It looks like it is set in the future due to the silver/metal simplistic look. The screens across the ceiling look like CCTV cameras suggesting they are watching/ keeping guard of people.


Annabelle Creations

From the very beginning of this trailer you get the impression that it's set in the past. The old fashion cast on the young girls leg which is one of the initial focus points shows the film is set many years ago. The old fashion styled car which appears to be rusty and almost run down also reinforces the idea that this film is set in the past. The large wooden style, dilapidated looking house instantly generates fear and suspicion. The long shot helps us as an audience establish the surroundings of the house. The fact that the house is situated in the middle of nowhere connotes loneliness and generates fear. The half face mask and the drawn net curtains around the bed generates confusing and causes the audience to ask questions about who the hidden person is and why they are hiding behind a mask. The pan shot of the dark bedroom creates a tense atmosphere. The lighting is deliberately dim to create tension. The makeup used on the actor to create sweat shows they are fearful and scared. The close ups of the dolls face generates fear and also gives us an insight on what the main focus will be. Because of all these features of the trailer I can tell that the film will be a horror as it shows many key conventions expected in a horror movie.

The Boss Baby 2

From the first 10 seconds of the trailer you instantly can see comedy as babies are acting like fully grown adults. Their costumes are confusing as the suits connote authority power and control however they are babies/infants. This confusion makes the reader start questioning whats going on. This also makes the audience want to carry on watching. The dim lighting increases tension as it suggests secrecy. The baby rattles and baby cribs are typical props expected to be alongside babies. However the laptops and screens aren't expected props that are associated with babies. The black suits suggest dominance. The constant close-ups with-hold information. The darkness of a lot of the close ups creates tension and suspicion.  I can tell from the humour throughout the trailer that the film comedy.

Blade Runner 2049

The first 10 seconds suggest to me that the film is an action movie. The fire, explosions and speeding all are key conventions of an action movie. The use of weapons like guns also reinforce the idea that the film is a thriller. As the trailer progresses its clear to see that the movie may also be a sci-fi movie. The blacks and blue lights are closely associated with sci-fi movies. The bodies in tanks are almost supernatural and unusual. They aren't what you normally see in labs/buildings. This creates suspicion. The makeup used to make the actors face look pale suggests he is cold blooded and evil. The darkness of the shots also reinforce this idea. The flying vehicles and the sci-fi looking tower all bring with them a sense of the unknown. This film appears to be set in the future as the props used aren't everyday props in the 21st century. The makeup look that has been created with the blood suggests a medical crisis. We begin to question the dangers the character is in and how he got into such a messy situation. The over the shoulder shots of the mans long black leather jacket generates suspicion as it appears to be very secretive. We become eager to see his face so we can meet the character and understand his purpose.

All three trailers have similar conventions however the mise-en-scene of each is what helps us identify what genre the film actually belongs to. All three use dark lighting in order to create tension and suspicion however all three have very different story lines with very different messages. The costumes in all three are the same at some points however due to the rest of the trailer we can tell that the costume represents three completely different things.


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